ワープスティックス Warpsticks

Warpsticks は世界で初めて箸置きの上に浮上する、食卓が楽しくなる驚きのお箸です。(特許出願済み)
Warpsticks would be the world 1st levitating chopsticks. The amazing tool makes the dining fun.(A patent has already been filed.)
動画 Video
3種類の試作品 3 prototypes

In order to float cleanly, you have to put them carefully from the top in a good position. By doing so it will naturally be a beautiful gesture.
Wonder of the invisible force of the magnet. If you change consciousness carefully as if you are involved with the surroundings, you can find wonder among the everyday things that you think is natural.
Philosophy starts from doubting what is considered commonplace.
